Stocking Stuffers for Healthy Smiles

A healthy smile is a gift that keeps on giving all year. When you are looking for stocking stuffers for your loved ones this year, here are a few suggestions from our team at Dores Dental.
Of course, you should plan to visit our East Longmeadow, MA office for dental cleanings and exams, too. In between those visits, your loved ones can care for their smiles with these gifts.
The American Dental Association recommends flossing between your teeth and gums daily, yet surveys show that less than half of all Americans do this. If you don’t like flossing, flossers can make this more convenient.
Electric Toothbrush
For many people, an electric toothbrush can make brushing easier. For many kids (and some adults), an electric toothbrush can make daily oral care more fun, too.
Travel Toothbrush Case
If someone you care about travels often for business or pleasure, a protective case for their toothbrush makes it easy to pack for their trips.
Sugar-Free Gum
Gum with xylitol can help prevent tooth decay when it is chewed after a meal or a snack. This sugar-free gum can block plaque build-up that leads to cavities.
Call the Dores Dental team at 413-241-3995 to find out more or fill out our online form to request your future appointment.