Protect Your Teeth With Athletic Mouthguards
Sports play a big part in the daily routines of many families. With warmer weather, new sports seasons are beginning. Before you or someone you loved takes the field, gets on the court, or steps on the track, make sure you are ready to play.
That means practicing and wearing the right equipment, including an athletic mouthguard, which we can make at our East Longmeadow, MA dental office.
Mouthguards Reduce Injuries
Everyone is aware that sports come with a risk of injury. While the gear used in many sports is different, mouthguards are beneficial for all athletes. Wearing one significantly reduces the likelihood of dental injury, much like wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of injury when riding in a car.
Consider Comfort
You can find mouthguards in stores, but these tend to be bulky. That can make them uncomfortable. They also can interfere with breathing and communication. This also can make athletes less likely to wear them. A custom mouthguard, like the ones we make at Dores Dental, is smaller and allows you to breathe, speak, and drink water without removing it during games and practices.
Your Smile Deserves the Best Protection
The custom mouthguard also offers better protection than the boil-and-bite mouthguards you can find in stores. To return to our seat belt analogy, a custom mouthguard is like the five-point harness used by professional race car drivers. The boil-and-bite mouthguard is like the seat belt in a family car.
Protect your winning smile this Spring and beyond. Call the Dores Dental team at 413-241-3995 to find out more or fill out our online form to request an appointment.