Go Back to School with a Great Smile!
If there’s one thing that is abundant during this time of year, it’s to-do lists! Every household has a list of the things they need to get done before the school year begins! On that list is everything under the sun from buying school supplies to getting fresh haircuts to finishing those fun summer activities you haven’t done yet!
In the midst of all of this frenzy is your underlying hope: to help your child have a successful school year right from the beginning! We know that you want what’s best for your student, which is why our Longmeadow, MA, dentist office is here to offer a bit of advice: don’t forget their smile.
You can make sure your child has great hair, clothes, supplies, and nutrition, because all of those are important, but don’t forget their smile! It’s their best asset, and it’s the one thing that will (hopefully) last for their entire life!
An Important Task for Your To-Do List
Every item on your task list is important, but don’t forget to add “see the dentist” to your list. A back to school cleaning is a fantastic way to begin each school year. The benefits for your child are exceptional, so let’s take a look at those next.
Increase Focus – You know how distracting it can be when your teeth feel dirty? When you have something stuck between your teeth or your mouth tastes bad? That’s all you can think about, and you’re an adult. Imagine a child trying to go to school and learn while being constantly distracted by the state of their mouth? A dental cleaning can increase student focus!
Cut Back Sick Days – Did you know that the health of your mouth impacts the health of the rest of your body? If you want your child to be able to have perfect attendance, they are going to need a healthy smile! Not only will they be healthier, but you won’t have to pull them out of class for dental appointments!
Have a Confident Child – You know how hard it is to be friendly with people when you feel like your teeth aren’t clean. Kids who haven’t seen a dentist are feeling the same way, so be sure to set them up for confidence by scheduling their dental cleaning today!
Cleaning and Exam Experience
When you bring your child in for a cleaning and exam, you can expect them to have a great time! Our staff is fantastic with kids. In fact, our young patients tend to love coming into the office! We have a lot of fun with them so that they associate the dentist offices with fun and laughter.
Your child will have a full dental cleaning while they are here. We will remove plaque and tartar buildup from their smiles as well as complete the standard exam. Our goal is to eliminate any decay or infection we may find so that your child has a healthy smile!
The First Step to a Lifetime of Healthy Teeth
Bringing children in for dental appointments serves several purposes. First, your child will have a healthier smile. That’s your main goal, but there is secondary goal that you hope to achieve. You want your child to have a healthy smile for the rest of their life! You want to see them smiling with their natural teeth through all of life’s adventures.
Part of having a lifetime smile means seeing the dentist on a routine basis. It is a habit that you should begin for your child at a young age. Seeing the dentist every six months will help your child learn that habit and be more likely to carry it through the years to come.
Set Up Your Student’s Back to School Appointment Today!
Your child can have a healthy, confident smile to begin the school year. All you need to do is give us a call today and let us know your child needs a back to school dental cleaning. We can’t wait to see your entire family very soon, so don’t hesitate to contact us!