4 Signs That You Could Gum Have Disease

Gum disease is tricky. Many people never feel pain or soreness because of a gum infection, which is one of the reasons it can go untreated for a long time.
We would prefer to help you prevent periodontal problems, but we are prepared to provide gum disease treatment when needed.
To help you know when to seek help, we are sharing four symptoms you should know in honor of Gum Disease Awareness Month.
1. Bleeding Gums
Your gums should not bleed when you are flossing, when you are brushing, or any other time.
Call the Dores Dental team at 413-241-3995 to find out more or contact us online to request your future appointment.
2. Bad Breath
You may know that harmful bacteria cause periodontal infections. You may not realize that those bacteria also can leave you with a constant bad taste in your mouth. If your bad breath doesn’t go away, that is a clue to call us.
3. Receding Gums
If your gums look like they are separating from your teeth, then you should be concerned.
4. Loose Teeth
Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss in the United States. Hopefully, you come to see us before your permanent teeth feel loose.
Call the Dores Dental team at 413-241-3995 to find out more or contact us online to request your future appointment.